fiber optic vs cable

Cable Broadband vs Fiber Broadband – Which Is Better?

Choosing between Cable vs Fiber Broadband comes down to speed, reliability, availability and price. Fiber offers symmetrical speeds up to 10 Gbps and superior reliability, while cable provides wider availability and competitive pricing starting at $20-80/month. Though fiber is technically superior with equal upload and download speeds, Cable Internet remains an excellent choice for most…


Active vs Passive Thunderbolt Cables

This Thunderbolt Cable hack feels like a secret no one should know! Frustrated with slow transfer speeds? Use active Thunderbolt cables for connections longer than 0.8 meters to unlock full 40 Gbps speeds! What Are Passive Thunderbolt Cables? When you hear the term “passive cables”, what they’re referring to are, cables that don’t have any…


How To Daisy Chain Monitors with Thunderbolt Cables

Daisy chaining multiple monitors is super easy with Thunderbolt 3 cables. Here’s how you can have a beautiful multiple monitor set up ready in under a minute. Before we proceed, you will need a Thunderbolt 3 port on your computer or laptop and your monitors should have two Thunderbolt 3 ports each. What Is Daisy…